Monday, December 28, 2009

~Time is Running Out ~

My time is almost over...
I still... have not make any decision ....

A decision which is so hard to make....
harder than go to National Service...
harder than decide to join army or not...

harder and harder when i think about everything around...

this sacrifice too big to make...

once i make any decision... 14 years of disappear from my friend.... from everyone...
is either soon or later...

i'm so F#%&ing depress and lost... 

Saturday, December 26, 2009

~ 25 December 2009 , Merry Christmas ! ~

Ho Ho HO !! Merry Christmas !!!
 1st time
in these 18 years
on this world....
my friend ask me out for exchange Christmas Present...
What a joyful day ^^
Celebrate Christmas with my friends.
Lay Chia, Joo Tiew , Hui Ying and Zi Xian
Thank you for giving me such a good Chistmas... This is the 1st time i celebrate and 2nd time i receive present on Christmas...
Thank you guys..... Thanks

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

~ Lone Lone Time Ago~




每逢新年,只能看着别人合家人热热闹闹地庆祝; 我却这样冷冷的自己过。



一个人去上课,回到家还是一个人,自己洗衣烫衣,自己找东西吃.  .   .   自己为自己铺路。



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

~你也累了。安息吧,Gabriel 萧汉杰~

今天,2009年12月9日,星期三,下午2.00 pm .... Gabriel在 Batu Gantung 火葬了。他脱离了痛苦,我们应该替他感到高兴。Blood Cancer...八个月...他和 Cancer战了八个月。有哪个人中了血癌还能支持那么久呢?


最后,医生和他说,你没希望了。这个打击是如此的令人更快离开,失望, 绝望。 过后,他也支持不住了,离开了我们, 回到他“主”的地方去了。


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

~Brother Gabriel Seow Han Keat- R.I.P~

Our Beloved Brother  Gabriel Seow Han Keat has leave us and went to a better place today on  07/12/2009  , Monday Evening.

He was a Blood Cancer Patient since April 2009. I still remember that day... i was in KL Thursday.... My friend Chuah Wei Chuan ,called me: "hey when u coming back? Gabriel kena cancer !" I still doubt his word for a while.

After a while... i trusted him through his voice tone.. he was not joking at all...

Gabriel is a brave man...  he knew he had blood cancer But he never give up hope... I can see through his eyes... He still believed he can recover... as we all did. He has already battle with cancer for about 8 months. Normal people couldn't hold that long, 3 months would be a ending.

We tried our best to be at his side... no matter what happen.  But... busy of studies... .busy of working... busy of everything... pull us away from spending time with him...

Now... our beloved brother Gabriel Seow... has return to his Lord's side... he has free himself from illness and torture... he has escaped from this cruel world... to a better place... somewhere more joyful... somewhere much more beautiful... somewhere has no burden to bear...

He will not be alone anymore... he walks along with the Lord from now on...

As we , ourselves will know... he is still living in our memory.

~Rest in Peace Brother Gabriel~

I'm so sure.. none of you.. have ever attend a close friend's funeral...This is not a normal funeral we had attend before...

Appretiate everyone who is a Friend to you , while you can. Before it is too late to say goodbye.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

~ Finally ... Victory need Sacrifices~

This Medal... Is not easy to earn...
Sacrifice is needed for Victory

~ Glorius Batlle ~

Today 5th December 2009 , Saturday.... fencing competition is held in Balik Pulau Dewan MPPP in time 1000... i depart from my home in 0830 and arrive in 0912. what a long journey along the mountain...

First part is the Women's Saber... then follow up by Men's Epee.. and finally Women's Foil...
Mine is Epee...

First round... i lost for a point... i'm too nervous... but i learn from my mistake... and i learn from my enemy... i see fear in their eyes... and i know... this is my chance to overcome them... courage fill inside me...
from that moment... many opponent had fall to my blade.

Second round.... eliminating others... so far... so good.. i never lose ever since the first round... Every battle ... i have inflict the fear inside them, make them feel weak, feel lost, feel helpless....even those haven't fight with me... i want to make them to fear me as they have fear from a demon...
This is the way of the Forsaken...

But... indeed... only 1 fencer don't feel that way.  Muhammad Abidin... i still remember the name...
He is the real enemy of mine in this battlefield... He is the one who caught my eye... he is strong... strong enough to conquer fear... i'm very impress with his confident.
We fight our way to the top. I meet with my first opponent who win me for the last time... but not this time brother... not this time...
Finally i really lost... under the blade of this Abidin... he is indeed stronger than me...

In the end, getting a Silver is better than nothing~
I have done my best. Honour and Glory are with me.
If you cannot be the best., at least don't be the worst.

This is the way of the Forsaken...

Friday, December 4, 2009

~ Sword to Sword~

Time have pass so quickly... month by month... week by week... day by day... the clock continues to tick.. time continue to flow...time won't wait for you.. unless u make it useful.

 i don't have much time left.... that day has finally come ... few more hours left... we going to draw our blade together... i'm sure... Nervous has filled in all of us.... like water in a bottle... but there is nothing i can do...
Deman MPPP, Balik Pulau-place we gonna test our skills and might... 

Let it begin.... draw out your swords, take up your shields, mount on your horses. Let the shinning armor of the Knights shine through the battle field, Horses charges through enemy lines....

Let our tomorrow be a glorius day to remember and a tale to tell...

Let it be....