Monday, December 28, 2009

~Time is Running Out ~

My time is almost over...
I still... have not make any decision ....

A decision which is so hard to make....
harder than go to National Service...
harder than decide to join army or not...

harder and harder when i think about everything around...

this sacrifice too big to make...

once i make any decision... 14 years of disappear from my friend.... from everyone...
is either soon or later...

i'm so F#%&ing depress and lost... 

Saturday, December 26, 2009

~ 25 December 2009 , Merry Christmas ! ~

Ho Ho HO !! Merry Christmas !!!
 1st time
in these 18 years
on this world....
my friend ask me out for exchange Christmas Present...
What a joyful day ^^
Celebrate Christmas with my friends.
Lay Chia, Joo Tiew , Hui Ying and Zi Xian
Thank you for giving me such a good Chistmas... This is the 1st time i celebrate and 2nd time i receive present on Christmas...
Thank you guys..... Thanks

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

~ Lone Lone Time Ago~




每逢新年,只能看着别人合家人热热闹闹地庆祝; 我却这样冷冷的自己过。



一个人去上课,回到家还是一个人,自己洗衣烫衣,自己找东西吃.  .   .   自己为自己铺路。



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

~你也累了。安息吧,Gabriel 萧汉杰~

今天,2009年12月9日,星期三,下午2.00 pm .... Gabriel在 Batu Gantung 火葬了。他脱离了痛苦,我们应该替他感到高兴。Blood Cancer...八个月...他和 Cancer战了八个月。有哪个人中了血癌还能支持那么久呢?


最后,医生和他说,你没希望了。这个打击是如此的令人更快离开,失望, 绝望。 过后,他也支持不住了,离开了我们, 回到他“主”的地方去了。


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

~Brother Gabriel Seow Han Keat- R.I.P~

Our Beloved Brother  Gabriel Seow Han Keat has leave us and went to a better place today on  07/12/2009  , Monday Evening.

He was a Blood Cancer Patient since April 2009. I still remember that day... i was in KL Thursday.... My friend Chuah Wei Chuan ,called me: "hey when u coming back? Gabriel kena cancer !" I still doubt his word for a while.

After a while... i trusted him through his voice tone.. he was not joking at all...

Gabriel is a brave man...  he knew he had blood cancer But he never give up hope... I can see through his eyes... He still believed he can recover... as we all did. He has already battle with cancer for about 8 months. Normal people couldn't hold that long, 3 months would be a ending.

We tried our best to be at his side... no matter what happen.  But... busy of studies... .busy of working... busy of everything... pull us away from spending time with him...

Now... our beloved brother Gabriel Seow... has return to his Lord's side... he has free himself from illness and torture... he has escaped from this cruel world... to a better place... somewhere more joyful... somewhere much more beautiful... somewhere has no burden to bear...

He will not be alone anymore... he walks along with the Lord from now on...

As we , ourselves will know... he is still living in our memory.

~Rest in Peace Brother Gabriel~

I'm so sure.. none of you.. have ever attend a close friend's funeral...This is not a normal funeral we had attend before...

Appretiate everyone who is a Friend to you , while you can. Before it is too late to say goodbye.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

~ Finally ... Victory need Sacrifices~

This Medal... Is not easy to earn...
Sacrifice is needed for Victory

~ Glorius Batlle ~

Today 5th December 2009 , Saturday.... fencing competition is held in Balik Pulau Dewan MPPP in time 1000... i depart from my home in 0830 and arrive in 0912. what a long journey along the mountain...

First part is the Women's Saber... then follow up by Men's Epee.. and finally Women's Foil...
Mine is Epee...

First round... i lost for a point... i'm too nervous... but i learn from my mistake... and i learn from my enemy... i see fear in their eyes... and i know... this is my chance to overcome them... courage fill inside me...
from that moment... many opponent had fall to my blade.

Second round.... eliminating others... so far... so good.. i never lose ever since the first round... Every battle ... i have inflict the fear inside them, make them feel weak, feel lost, feel helpless....even those haven't fight with me... i want to make them to fear me as they have fear from a demon...
This is the way of the Forsaken...

But... indeed... only 1 fencer don't feel that way.  Muhammad Abidin... i still remember the name...
He is the real enemy of mine in this battlefield... He is the one who caught my eye... he is strong... strong enough to conquer fear... i'm very impress with his confident.
We fight our way to the top. I meet with my first opponent who win me for the last time... but not this time brother... not this time...
Finally i really lost... under the blade of this Abidin... he is indeed stronger than me...

In the end, getting a Silver is better than nothing~
I have done my best. Honour and Glory are with me.
If you cannot be the best., at least don't be the worst.

This is the way of the Forsaken...

Friday, December 4, 2009

~ Sword to Sword~

Time have pass so quickly... month by month... week by week... day by day... the clock continues to tick.. time continue to flow...time won't wait for you.. unless u make it useful.

 i don't have much time left.... that day has finally come ... few more hours left... we going to draw our blade together... i'm sure... Nervous has filled in all of us.... like water in a bottle... but there is nothing i can do...
Deman MPPP, Balik Pulau-place we gonna test our skills and might... 

Let it begin.... draw out your swords, take up your shields, mount on your horses. Let the shinning armor of the Knights shine through the battle field, Horses charges through enemy lines....

Let our tomorrow be a glorius day to remember and a tale to tell...

Let it be....

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Tired Already ~

I'm tired of struggle for everything...

I'm tired of fighting for somethings...

I'm tired of been trick....

I'm tired of falling in hopeless love...

I'm tired creating hope for my friends...

I'm tired of trusting everything , everyone...

I'm so tired....    of  Everything...

So wish i could find a place... lay down and rest forever... don't want to wake up anymore...

~ I Changed ... Did I ? ~

Last few days.. i went to Tar College to meet my NS friends...  afterwards .. i met with an old friend.. she still remember me, and i still remember her. ( this call got heart, still remember friend)

After some chit chat... my NS friend ask why don my old friend and chat anything ? She said that i have changed... different since last time we meet... i just keep quite...

I changed.... Am I ? Have I ? Did I ? I don't remember how i changed... Some said... i have changed to Silent, i seldom talk anymore... not like last time... Some said .. i wanna act cool, don't like to talk.... Some also said....  last time i got problems, i tell anyone, now i keep to myself...

Am i ?
I also don't know...

Fencing Competition~ Just Around the Corner !! Arh !!!

Suddenly i  feel so scare ....   I love fencing.. but i really don't know the reason why i scared... = =|||

I looking forward to compete in Foil... but they put me in Epee (heavy sword class).... oh god... i dont know i can handle it or not.. Because i only see people sparing in the Youtube... i never see the real sparing and training progress in the centre. Ee..... i'm so scared...

They have change the Venue and Date of competition. Last time, it was in Queensbay Mall on 2nd and 3rd of December. But now has changed to 5th and 6th of December, Saturday and Sunday. Venue... somewhere in Balik Pulau.. oh no.. please changed back to Queensbay, If you guys change it to Balik Pulau, many people feel it is too far away and won't come to support.... Please change back la...

1st of december i going to take my equipment and my sword  ^^  (of course , all these burrow from them)

Well guys... wish me luck ^^ ( i'm still so nervous)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Me... 1 person... 1 world... Different status....Alone

Wow... exam had just finish on 11/11/09. Chung Hwa Confucian just started to have theirs. hehe..

Next day.. Thursday... i rush back to Kuala Lumpur. i meet with my Dad... then go have dinner together.. is has been a long time since i had my dinner with my dad. Indeed... it has been a very long time ago. then he fetch me to my aunty's place... i meet up with my 3rd brother and my mum. 3rd brother... it also a long time since i last saw him..

that night... i step into my aunt's house... they couldn't recogize me. they said that i have grow much thin than last time. i look more alike to my 2nd brother now...  perhaps they are right...perhaps...

Time passed so fast... and the clock pointing 11pm... my mum and brother starting to get tired... brother still have to go to school the next we left to Cheras...
2nd day just passed like that... i have done nothing but just had dinner with my Aunt , brother, mother at T.G.I Friday. Our dinner just so "cheap" RM183. So did on the 3rd day... again we took our dinner at 1Utama SuShi Groove, 3person without my brother, RM 170++. After that we stay over night at my aunt's new house. She said the new house actually is for his son /  my cousin / a Docter Rate Lecturer in KL Inti. Since he is going to moved away with his wife to another place. So this house is for me during my time in University. Not a house actually, is a Condominium. my aunt bought it for about RM600K. God.. price of 1 Mercedes.

At KL.. there are no one who don't know Clinic Mediviron. The only clinic which has open more than 67 outlet until now, today.Even our 6th Prime Minister-Najib's  maid and servant come to our clinic for medical treatment, this also include his own wife.  For that , i am so proud when i'm was a kid, go to the main branch every weekend. Even now, all the accountant, all the staff, nurses know who am i. Even all the doctors know who am i. If they don't know, i just have to tell them :"I'm Ms.Lim's nephew." Any one learn about chinese drawing... will know of my father. If they don't know about my father, they don't really know much about chinese art.

In KL, i live with all the high status people, like i'm one of them. Everything i spent are more than just enough.
But, i live KL, my life is just like a prison. i have no freedom, even the shopping mall is just less than 2 km away... but i don't feel like i want to go there. I have no body but just my family and the newborn 10 month young little niece.
In Penang, the only high status person, is a MCA agent. Other than that, just 2 Navy Officers. I'm have nothing I do all the things alone. Even i stay with my eldest brother and 2nd brother, but .. i'm still alone. 2nd brother comes home once in a while. Left me n Big brother in this house. 1 house, 2 people, 2 different world. We seldom talks to each others. We don't really have much to talk about, thats why, i keep so silent everytime i go out. I live alone, i go to school alone, i eat alone, i sleep alone, i think alone, I WALK alone... like always...

Friends is with me all the time ... stay with me ..makes me happy, encourage me, cheer me, share anything with me, makes my life wonderful, colorful. I cannot live without friends by my side. As my world i'm living so cold... so alone in the winter.

In this big plant Earth... What a world... but there is only 1 world, 1 Me, in 1 Malaysia, 2 different state... there is different status in me:
 A good living background in KL, nothing to worry, no worries on expensense, there will be driver for me wherever i wanna go. Every meal i gonna eat is more than RM60+. Every thing i wear is gonna be branded.

A life like hell in Penang. struggle to work... struggle to gain my own money...  spend only RM5 for each meal... save more for any important usage... worry about almost everything.... feel so unsafe at all. i have to start everything all over again.. without anyone help me in this.... i feel so helpless...

I'm so tired ....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

~ 朋友 ~



现在,中学都毕业了,各都走各的路了。有的做工,有的还读书,有的一面做工一面读书,有的半天吊,坐在家吹风,没有目标。 有的还和死党们见面,保持联络,有的,都不见人影了。

讲是讲毕业了,要保持联络哦。。。说得好听了。。连在二零零九年十月二十九号 ( 29/10/09) 结婚了,也不通知一下。。。不请也罢了,用电话写个短讯会死吗?
呸 ! 在夜市场见到面,打个招呼也没有,ok...没关系,我跟你打招呼。。。
哇,见到就立刻转180度,走掉了。你厉害 ! 以后有事情别来找我们 !
这种叫做废友 !

好朋友咧? 就刚好相反喔。毕业时,不说要联络。爽爽就打个电话来:“哈咯?冠循是吗?是啊?sorry,打错电话。”=.=  有时真的很废。但是有什么好东西,就召集死党一起分享。时不时,就找死党一起出来,谈谈最近的事情等等。找活动一起参与。

So ?! 你分得出以往在你身边的同班朋友,是废友,还是好朋友?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wanna Cheat Me ?! Hmph !! !$@#%#!$

Walao...last few day... at night about 2237  10.37pm... suddenly a call come to my house phone

Phone: Hello, Is this Chong Kwang Shun ?
Me: Yes. I am.Who is this ?
Phone: Hello Mr Chong. i'm from Jabatan Pendidikan. I wanna confirm something. Is your I.C number : xxxxxx-xx-xxxx?
Me: Yea..
Phone: Is your Name spellling CHONG KWANG SHUN?
Me: yea...
Phone: Well.. Mr Chong, your IC number has been selected from our list to go to Foreign Country to furthur studies and the government will support all the expenses if you agree to go.
Me: ....(speechless)
Phone: So.. Which subject are you interest in ?
Me: er.... Psychology ?
Phone: Well  Mr. Chong, if u really interested, please bing along  (item item item ) on this Sunday at Complex Sukan dan Belia to meet us for the application.
Me: er... ok..
Phone: Mr. Chong. You are so lucky that u get 3As n 5 credits in SPM n now you are available to go to London to study.. By the way, here is my phone number : 019- xxxxxx( forget the number).I'm Encik Khai Ronin from Jabatan Pendidikan. Meet you on this Sunday ok?
 Me: ok...
 What of F**k? I can go to London ? THis SHIT is Ain't no joke  man !
i better go search for something more.
Next Day... Friday
i went back Chung Hwa COnfucian ( my secondary ^^)
i met with dicipline teacher: Mr. Ng.
i told him the whole thing. Then he told me all this is just a trick. If i really go on that Sunday... They sure get my picture n i'll get a Credit Card  Receipt by year end.
Walao! I better go report police.

Weird huh ? !
After i think again again  n again ...  I found out something totally weird .
How come a Government Agent would call you after 5pm? And especially at night? no body would go O.T till that late !
How would a Government Agent call you to meet him on a SUNDAY ?! That is public holiday man ! !
How come he give me his own personal hand phone number ? !

Any one who see this.. better go report 911 o ~








为什么人会变? 变好的,我们替他开心。若相反的,变坏了呢?

人,可以为了自己,不顾别人 ,出卖自己的朋友 ;


~oh shit~ 事情渐渐变了 T.T

糟糕了啦。。。拜一到拜三的课,令我一天比一天累。每天回家还得睡一下才可以。但是咧。。。最近,我一睡就睡到十点了。 Oh Shit ! 就这样往往连晚餐都免掉了。 haiz。。。叫我如何健身啊?!

人也好像变老了。。。 T.T  可恶!容易忘记东西了。做东西或读书都不能集中了。。。

朋友要搬家了... OH NO ! 我的好朋友 -子聪。 做什么要到KL 去? 没办法在这里租另一间吗?? 呜呜呜。。。

在MBS。。。刚刚上任大马学警队的主席,分数还不错。蛮高的 ^^ 60.,课外活动分数分到来就是差了2分就60了。SHIT.
最不满意的就是:Science and Maths ,我和国伟一起出席它的活动和开会,但是我的出席率比他少。为什么? Why? Why You Do This? This Is No Right Man !
Bloody Hell !!
Bob 的也是一样。Economy 主席,出席率满,但是才27分。另一位的只是来报名后都没来了,却拿了60分,道理何在? Shit You !

Thursday, October 15, 2009

为何 Forsaken?

Forsaken 是什么意思?我就解释给你听吧。 Forsaken, 字典里的意思是 “抛弃”.
为何 “抛弃”? 抛弃是一种对心灵上的伤害,也是一种力量。这股力量能使一个人失去自己,能让一个人失去自觉和感觉。 就像一个玻璃杯跌在地上那样。。。Piang !! 四散了,什么都没有了。

Knights... 也就是中古时期的--骑士。

两个字合并 =   Knights of Forsaken。 > KoF <


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

放学后还加课~死了~ T-T

哇...很爽hoh? Raya 放假过了。


愚蠢的政府,没脑的教育局,要把今年的LOWER 6的上课时间拉长。废咯。




24小时-上课10小时- 做东做西和吃饭上厕所2小时 - 睡觉7小时 = 4小时可以做墨?Form6功课很容易啊?容易就直接去大学了啦。做完功课也没时间温习啦。

死人鬼,教育部长,诅咒你性无能,孩子成绩一落千丈! ! 害我们中六。

Thursday, September 24, 2009

22/09/09 National Service Gathering~

WOW! Happy lo today. i wake up on... ummm.. i think is 10.30am. wa.. quickly go bath liao lo.. then wear nice nice and go Gurney. Hei! today is gathering day , man!

I arrive at Gurney before 1230. not bad huh.  ^^  but i cannot see anyone else... they are not going to put aeroplane on me right?  Right ?

Who knows? I met with my old friend dring my primary times. Amazing. they are here. i really have to go greet them.

Then Zhe Yeong (Jimmy) call me , said he is in the parking lot, along with Ee Leong. wa ha... long time din't see  Ee Leong already... miss him...

Then i meet up with Soo Bee, Jimmy and Ee Leong.

Later then Swee Hoo and his friend and San San come food court and meet with us. He saw Jimmy but come ask me: " This one is Jimmy or Andy?"
Walau ! How dare you forget liao?! Si Lang Gui~ Cheh~

Then comes Jia Ping, Kim, and others come oso.. But 2 more haven't arrive. wanna make big dissicion oso cannot la...
Wait wait wait n wait... Long lo.. Jia Ping eat so slow nia.. Nevermind la. so long din meet with them.

Arrive infront of cinema, then comes Shi Jien , another friend and  the O.C. Charlie -Nigel.  Chances for O.C Alpha and O.C. Charlie sit 2gether is really hard to find.

wow. today really is a big gathering. so many people come around. We then go watch movie 2gether-Tsunami.4.50pm
But the time is still young, have to go around .. walk around, untill all gather outide of McDonald and all have ice-cream 2gether. i have take picture for that. but i haven't get that picture, yet.
then.. 4.30 lo, we go to cinema again. the movie...quite good, but not so good due to some stupid scene, romantic part become stupid part. But the ending is very touching. The most value part is where the tsunami started, but before that... boring.... ohhhhzzzz.

After we finish the movie, Nigel ,Shi Jien n another friend had to go back Sungai Petani already. fast have to say bye-bye again. Drive carefully and  good luck brothers.

Jia Ping still stay... for dinner.. so is ah kim , Jun Fong, Ah Kim, Giselle. ok...
we take a innocent big round to reach New World Park. God.. waste my petrol...

Plan to eat by the road side, but then Soo Bee is going home and the road is so dark. Ah Kim n others worry about her so...
we all had to follow Soo Bee till her home. haha. what a joke. She also very paiseh.. so many people follow her home.
 Bo Huat la , who call us to be in same camp during NS time ar? haha. After we eat at a mini restaurant under Soo Bee's house, we all going home.

what a memorable day for us all 2day, 22/09/09. Hope you guys come again when next coming up gathering .^^

Monday, September 21, 2009

~ Selamat Hari Raya ~

马来同胞的 RAYA来了 ! 我忽然想起在National Service 时的那几个马来好兄弟。

MAT-我们都叫他 MAD. Mad man 的Mad.
haha. MAT, if you saw this please forgive me hah, cause i miss you and all the brothers alot. ^^

Miss you alot... brother

Kem Beringin Beach Resort, Langkawi的Camp Commander-Lieutenant Commander Mohd Syafizul bin Mohd Razak.比我大14岁.他哦,大马皇家海军Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia的Lt.Commd.。没有种族启示但是很凶的他,临走前真是哭了,我们也跟着哭了。如今还有和他联络的,可是不敢打扰他做工。想念他。。。
Ed- MAT的好兄弟,MAT走后哭到像女生。过后拿起我和MAT 拿的Alpha Ketua Platun 1.和MAT一样,拒绝吸烟,喝酒。还告诉我们吸烟会上瘾,千万别试。真够兄弟。临走前还说,华人真是没有与听到的那么坏,会很想念我们。这么好的兄弟,在哪里找啊?!

我干哥!Lt. Dya. Mohd Khairul Hafiz bin Mohd Afandi TLDM。帅咧 ?!全营最帅就是他了。很帮华人的马来同胞,才大我4岁。别看他傻傻的哦,会听华语,福建话,印度,阿拉伯语,泰语的哦。不可思议咧? 如今已是Kem Beringin Beach Resort, Langkawi 的营长了。很想他,联络他,可是常常没回复。HAIZ....

不管你们现在在何处,我祝你们Selamat Hari Raya !!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

19/09/09 MBS Rovers Campfire-Flame of Myth

哇。。。残了!会不会迟到咧? 6.43pm 了咧。。。

我和子聪说好在大门见面。过后我带他进去我的学校,MBS。 ^o^

我们给了RM16入门票,结果我们拿到 : 矿泉水一瓶,炒米粉一包,纸一张,别针一个...没了。

哇赛。。。一开始的那一幕很YENG ! 一根木,点燃火,一直滑着下,直到碰到木堆,立刻点燃了今天的营火,神话的火焰(Flame of Myth),然后音乐就起了Survivor的主题曲。帅!

过后,节目就开始了,跳舞啦, 唱歌啦,breakdance啦, hip hop 啦...还有很多啦。

有一间学校的Scout的队长,真的不能顶跟他啊。"七哥" 到半命啊!一旦有女生唱歌,就出去抱她啦,送她花啦,乘机牵她的手啦。 哟,不能看罢了,想拿臭鸡蛋丢他咯。连他的同校的朋友都不能顶他,
还说:“下水nia”(福建话)。 哈哈哈。笑死我和子聪了。

唷,几个节目能看罢了啦。MBS姐姐仔跳的舞,还好啦,因为有很多LengLui 嘛。haha.
连那个故事的表演,内容很废咯。我酱差的都能偏比她们好啦... =.="'
有几间学校的唱的歌还真的很好听咧,像 : "泪海","我知道"。

HEI ! ! ! !好久不见了 ! 就谈起另一个朋友-丽萍 要结婚的事。哇,因为男方的家人要她们快快结婚她们就结婚了。恐怖!18岁和男方大概27岁。 吓死人了! 朋友一场也不跟我们说一声。 SUAK !
谈几谈就到11pm/ 2300 了.佳琳说要跑了...就...拜拜咯,希望会再见!




Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weird Thing Happens Again n Again !

Am i crazy already?
Something is talking to me in my heart and it was not my imagination !
Someone talking to me last time, i thought it was just my imagination, but this time...
It tells me when is going to rain... what time to go out, what time not to.

Sounds like my guardian angel tells me what to do !

Last time i was nervous about my financial income.
But it tells me: No need to worry, things will turn right when time comes.
I thought it is just to calm me down. But now.... things really come true.
wow. Amazing ! ! !

I gonn find out what is actually happening to me. And about the income.... i cannot tell you more, but i'm only gonna let you know, i'm not stealing, robbing, nor other activities that against the law. ( because i'm a good citizen ^o^)

Friday, September 11, 2009

After Holidays , Raya Holidays are Coming~

WaH... very fast lo... i remember just finish school holidays nia... now raya is just about the corner liao. Fast lo

At school quite syiok de leh... Since MBS is NOT a pure chinese school, so, everyday, each class lesson finish 5 minutes ealier.. Wuhuuu~

Song. every time dismiss on 1.10pm > 12.30pm, 1.45pm>1.10pm.


FENCING~ i go to fencing training yesterday night. training on tat night is not compulsary. 2 weeks once, but i wanna go cannot ah?! Ma Go lo

i saw the guy represent Penang Fencing Team, Kenny . Not bad, still very cool and warm hearted as well. Face looks like 18 or 19 years old, but actually he's just 15. My GOD!!

Well, actually... wanna tell u something.. Shhhhhh... dont tell anyone. That night, my school's Fencing President, had a sparring with this Kenny. I have see through his tricks to win his opponent. i have make some research on his skills and the way he play his sword. hehehe ~
This makes me feel more confident to sparring with him when i got the chance.

HAR ! ! !
my goodness T.T
Fencing Competition is coming on 2, 3 December this end of year! AhHhH~
Si liao. can i make it before the closing date? er.... hope so...

well i have to buy my own set of fencing equipment. is ok .. i think....

Well, hope u guys will come and support me ^^

Date: 2, 3 December 2009
Time: 1200- 2100/ 12.00pm -
Venue: Queensbay Mall (still not specific the place, maybe tat day only will know)

Come to support me O my FRENS~~~ ^o^

Are you ready, my Knights of Forsaken?

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Worst nemeis- Exam had just pass~

WOW. phew, exam just pass, now in holidays. yeah. so busy for the past few weeks, can't even have time to update my blog too. haiz...

Last 3 weeks, i have went to Pykett, for Fencing training. wa ... very exciting.
fencing has 3 class: Foil (light sword), Epee (heavy Sword) and Sabre (which Zorro used). But my this trainer said better we have mastered our basic only the we choose our class. Wow! i feel like taking Foil and Sabre la.

But we don't know when will the next training will be.. my god....

But no matter how it can be, my target is to represent my school. This swordsmanship really made me addicted to fencing. Come, fight like a Swordsman, Fight like a Knight~

Saturday, July 18, 2009

~Kadet Polis DiRaja Malaysia的教练~

我想参回Kadet Polis. So我去找老师问看看咯。
"老师,我想参Kaet Polis,我之前参5年了"
lol =.="(老师,我参5年还不会,你说我还会参吗?)我又不敢和老师讲这些。。。blek

---到了 刚刚过的拜三 15/7/09---
pumping 50啦。。。后果自负。。。若没惩罚他,以后别的新生不就放肆了吗?

----拜六 18/7/09----
人蛮好的,就是官位不够高-Constable Polis


Friday, July 10, 2009











哇...和美国的SEAL一起练习,和AUSTRALIA学SNIPER, 和英国的空军特队学跳伞,学SEAL沉水...





What a Unbelievable Scene on 7 July 2009

Wow... Unbelieveable... Flood ! At Jalan Masjid Negeri !

i went to see Wei Li.( good fren of mine ^^) with Jia Wei... because Jia Wei just came back from KL... so together go visit Wei Li.

The wind seems to be weird. Big wind... lighting.. but no rain ! hohoho.. ok.. then go visit Wei Li.

when we are just at the junction before turn left into the Flat....
Swt lar! Rain liao!
then i bring Jia Wei to Wei Li's house lo... lol.. take the lift... up to 11th floor...
Why i din't see any door like Wei Li's house? i call him lo...
" Hello.. your house is at which one?"
"Err... Block B 5th Floor no 11. why?"
" Alamak... wrong block... "
then we both keep on going down n down....
Ei?!! The lift is there why dont just take the lift to go down?
zzz lol... steam lo...
After go down... Jia wei say: shit liao! Fast! Rain already!
I: Where got? My motor stil dry one?
i look up...
=.=''' i park my bike under the tree...
Jia Wei: Then where is block B?
I: i think behind this block gua...
after go there... again... Jia Wei: i wanna screw you oredi. Dead end la!
ok.. ask aunty....
ooo another side hoh...let's go
ok.. under the Block B already.. lets go for the lift...
i looked up lo... thinking: hmm.. this time sure correct block. I din't look infront, get hit by the bike handle... nearly hit my...
steam day...
nevermind..... after we meet and chat till about 2030(9.30)like that.. shit.. big rain~
wait lo... cannot go back ma...
then Wei Li's mum come back.. swt so late already 2245(10.45) have to go back...
before we leave, his mum tell us near Jalan Masjid Negeri there flood.. becareful.. ok....

then go back lo...
wa... first time after NS, i can feel what is "COLD"
what the... jammed.. hmm sure have another way round... hah! found it.. i take a round to Union then round back to GreenLane ma can lo... haha.. So Clever ^^
lol then i turn left... wah!!!Why here flood oso? i have to turn around! I look behind.... a Proton Wira is riding fast....
FLASH!!!!.. .damn that wira driver... lucky i wear my rain coat.

Sue Siao.. T.T

Now i'm stuck under the bridge with about 50-60 people...
Some are taking picture...
i saw.... an old uncle...whose lorry just dead... by the junction... he open the door, pull his jean's up.. then jump down form his lorry n push his lorry all the way... what a scene....
some people just keep on taking pictures until his shoe just been flow away by the water... i look for road side like the public walk way... hope... all i can see is just water... i look to the way to my school..... all water.... to Union.. all water... and the water is about 20cm high...LOL... where can i go?! ARRGH!!!

i have to try to go back to Ayer Itam... i'll sure Chong Ling that road can get me back to GreenLane...
after all the rain hitting my face like bullet.... Falling leaves cut through my face like.... paper..

finally.... I"M HOME~! wah? i used about 2 hours to get home for only a short distance...
This is .... ummm.... the worst rainy day for me actually... also a good experience....first time i see Flood in a town... especially road the to town centre...
lol... people said world is gonna end... disaster is coming.. is that true? is this just the beginning?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Life in Form 6

Wow.... It is already 11 of May and i gonna go form 6!! Argh!!! i hate to study again..... But what else can i do? So... i go lo.. haiz.... I go report at Heng Ee High School... i went there about.... 0700. meet with some old friend of form5... then the Prefect told us to go to what-what Dewan Kuliah... chin-cai lo... go lo.. i saw more and more ex- Chung Hwa student.. hehe... ok la like that.. so many friend... everything is still ok... until the Hal ehwal murid vice principle show up.... she only sincere to her own student... lol... you'll know what i mean... she told her student to come ealier on this day... and all my Chung Hwa friend totally no idea why gathered much ealier than we all expected... Government said :Please Report yourself at the chosen school on 0900 morning. Then most of them arrive much "ealier" , 0830, 30 minutes ealier than we were told by the government...
guess what she said to those Chung Hwa student who come so "early" :
"Government said is Government said. Our School is Our school and we have our own school rules. 0730 arrive means 0730 arrive. No excuse!"
After that , she expel those who come on 0830 to stand outside the Dewan Kuliah... lol
She IS CRAZY ! !
Lucky after a while , Principle comes in... those who been "expel" come back in...
Then.. as usual... you know what happen....
Talk.. and talk and talk and talk....

Ah...~ Finally...
Recess time ^o^
Lets go dig in!

WTF?! The canteen is so small ?can only be seated for about 80 people...
this must be a joke!!
And somemore... i heard some teacher is very enjoying to separate Chung Hwa student and their own Heng Ee. okay.. then i must try something to prove this issue
SO~ i wanna go toilet.
i go and ask: Excuse me sir... may i know where is the toilet please?
SIR: U were chung hwa or heng ee...
I: Heng ee, cause i go a lots of place... forget the toilet le..
SIR: ooo..its ok.. You see that teacher came out at that corner? Go there turn right and straight forward and you will see the toilet there.. wont be far..
I: ok.. thanks..

Then.. my friend try
Fren: Excuse me sir.. may i know where is the toilet?
Sir: you were ...?
Fren: Chung hwa ,sir.
Sir: oo.. at that corner turn right then you'll see at there.

Walau Eh!!
So much difference~ i cannot believe it!
I wanna change school!
So , after my 2nd day in there... i start to run away from class..
I cannot take the class at all! And i slept at class!! first time in my record... and i never sleep in class before.

until next few days... Principle call m thru phone
okay.. next day i gonna go school to mett him...sweat.. =.='''
he ask why i run away from school for so many days... i tell him i dont like at that school, no point going, since i am going to change school..... okay...
Give me face la.... come for 1 more day la... feel the form beforeyou leave... then i wont disturb you anymore.
1 more day to school..
hohoho.. what a good timing.. next few days is school holiday... yeah.. i can skip for more days.
So come to the end of my 1st form6 school.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My NS training for the next 2 months

so i have come back to NS camp.

well, last time, a lot of trainees saw something that should not be seen by normal people's eye, they they see it!man, i just wish i can get the excitement. (that time you can see how mad i am)

So, again, out of expect, after Chinese, Niu Year, we didn't anything weird anymore.

Due to some fighting of my O.C(Officer Company/Observe and Command), the source of that fight, i don't wish to expose( is something back stab). So, 2 days later, at the night , my company teacher gather all of us together to discuss for the new leader. Teacher ask for any volunteer to be the leader. I so wish i can be a company leader, but, something in my mind tells me not to take that job, too much responsibility.
But teacher is clever somehow, ask all the boys in company to raise their hands and together point the one who can lead the company, someone who can take care the company. man, everyone just pointed at me.
"Ok, as all the votes is on you, soyou'll be the next Officer Company"
"But, why me? i can't lead at all, i'm weak in leading."
"Leading, you can learn, why you gonna be leader, well , in yourself, you know why..."


Then, the next night, i got promoted to be the next Officer Company. Oh god.... i can do anything to undo this promote.
Well , that is how i start as a normal ( a bit more experience than anyone, i admit , cause i'm a Police Cadet ^^), turn to a Platoon Leader and then become the Officer Company.

The Flag is gone~~
Man, how could that be?The flag is totally safe with my friends all this long, but could that possibly...

Things start from this:
before i become the leader, my leader(the ex-one i meant) give responsibility to me to handle the flag.Because he saw by his own eyes, the other Malay didn't care about the flag,and leave it at anywhere and by luck, he took it and hand it to me. And once i pass to the Indian, cause all the chinese have to go out to pray, and Malay brothers have to go pray too.But they forgot to take the flag and leave it at dorm, luckily i saw it before the teacher does. So i take that job, that time , the other 3 company's flag was gone, and thanks to me, the flag have not fall into the wrong hand.

Weeks later, following the schedule, the ground army from Penang island(in front of USM) come to Langkawi island to teach us shooting lesson. But a night before that day, we have an arguement, cause my ex-leader is causing problem for me in the marching line, i cannot handle him as friend and i tell the company teacher.

Just hte next day, soon after the shooting class is finish, the flag is gone, i could not believe it is gone, i thought my friend just joking to me.but minutes later, i find out is really gone.the Flag bearer told me it was the ex-leader who bring his 2 friends to dorm then the flag is gone.

Luckily , 2 days later, we discover the flag, is with Comander.

Wira Jaya(Last test to be Graduate)
Well, this is the last test before we all leave the camp, that night we gather at the Hall, then the teachers give us briefing. Is quite fun:

Well, we just recieve words from the government , that the Thailand pirates has successfully enter Malaysia and landed on Langkawi Island. But the government has lost track of the pirates as the isn't any spies from the government. To that, the government cannot command Malaysiann Royal Army and Royal Marine to search the Island, but they have been order to guard the borders of Malaysia-Thailand and Indian Seas for the Royal Navy and Marines.

The Pirates has stolen Malaysia's precious Golden Coconuts.There are 4 coconuts which is bring along by our ancester from Palembang for about 600 years ago.Without it, Malaysia cannot be Malaysia. If orders been given and search from the royal army, all Malaysian will know the coconuts is gone, and then Malaysia will in total chaos.

As we know, the pirates has success with their objectives and some of them just enter our camp without our knowledge as spies.So is up to us , National Guard to save Malaysia.
Right now, all Guards will been divide to 4 Company: Alpha ,Bravo, Charlie, Delta. Each company has its own objective to be done.So orders from each company trainer and Officer must be obey. Stay together to survive and team work is the key to succeed in this mission.
So National Guard of Malaysia, go forth to bring the Golden Coconuts back from the evil hand.

Haha. that was fun, then the next day, we entered the forest to search for clue to get out of the forest. The clue leads us all back to our own camp. then we were given orders to set up camp sites for our own campany.Out of expect, most of the Boys have been capture and my company's boy were the most. The "pirates" ask for ransom, i have no idea what to give, i have just send 10 to search and rescue some "injured hostage" and 10 to search for food. The boys were only 3 more left, we cannot set up tent like that...
I dont have any other choice.i give the price to the "pirates".
The price was the most glorious price we get during the culture performance for the past week.

We lost the price and we get all the hostage. it is worth and it is everything. We were totally out of man power that time.

So , at the night, more orders come to us:
Now, latest news from the government, we just receive words that some villagers in the area have saw the golden coconuts. But all these villagers won't give you the clue to easily, they need some help too, so satisfy their demand and you will get the clue. So, heroes and heroin of Malaysia, go forth and bring back the coconuts!~

7hero and 3 heroin from each company have to go and search for the coconuts. i have join the mission too. We get pass a villager who very like to dance, but she doesn't have a radio, so we bring her to the stage to dance.Then we get pass a old man who has hearing problem and he is searching for his long lost daughter, we could hard speak to him, as he is almost deaf....oh god...
We get to save a captured village from a slavemaster to get the clue. Finally we go to meet the Pirates leader, we need to negotiate with the leader to get back the coconut, we have to send the Heroin as girls are more easier to handle fierce people.
And finally we get back the coconut and our missing flag!!
That time, we are in 6 morning. we didn't sleep for 2 days!
Then the next night, teacher brief to us again.

"Thanks to you, o Heroes of Malaysia.Now Malaysia is safe and the Golden Coconuts have been sent back to the government. The Pirates has retreat back to their country and on their way back , some has been capture by our Royal Navy Marine. Well done all National Guard!"

After all these is done, we return all the tools and bags to teachers. then the rest of the days is just free time.
And before we leave the camp, we organize a 60's Dancing Night.
We all just having fun , dancing, eating, chating till morning.
And one night, some , quite alot is gathering at my dorm.i was wandering what just happen. But when the lights is off the fight is just go on,2 malay steal RM400 from Rm100 each from 3 chinese and 1 malay.All of the malay fell ashame of them and hit them hard , with fist and wooden stick, forces them to drink stinky water from the drain, burn their hands with lighter, and one or two just come in and fightlike Ong Bak, wow...i should record the scene...after the fighting, they apply cream for the injury of the 2 theif, and try to fix the bone(they hit too hard until the bones also away from it's actual places)

Then at the last night, most of us didn't sleep at all and chit-chat till morning, all were crying(included me)the relation between all of us is deep and closed.
At there, i learn something, Eventhough we spent 5 years studying with other same age friend in a same school but different, we need about 5 years to get know them all, but in the end, not all.
But in this National Service camp, is like 3 years but its only 3 months we can really almost get know all of the other trainee at the same camp, even different class ,different company, different races, different religion...
This is something really worth of joining National Service. I miss my camp, even now , my teacher wish to see us again.Haha, i wish i can get back to visit them again soon.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Life as NS Trainee for the 1st month

1st 2 weeks~~
I feel boring and almost killed myself. Our phones have hand over to the trainers and teachers. i cannot sms with my friends. luckily i still have one more classmate who come to the same camp with me.he just sleep beside me. i feel lucky because at least someone i knew come to the same camp with , unlike the other friend who have been sent to nowhere and alone.surely they cried and wanted to go home.

my camp address is Kem Beringin Beach Resort, 07000, Kuah, Kedah Darul Aman. i so hated this place and wish someone or something could get me out of here. all the people say, all these PLKN things for hell!i dont wanna die.

A lot of thought making me crazy, should i find some excuse and quit?Or should i continue this training to the end???At the moment, i'm really in dilemma.If i quit, i'll lost my honour,i'm a quit'er ;if i continue, i will be a total graduate national trainee. but that takes a lot of sacrifice. Should i be a honourable National Service soldier or a quit'er?

my team is Alpha, and Alpha has divided into 3 platun.i hold the position as the Commander of Alpha Platun 1.hehe, actually i can be higher, but i reject the offer. Lazy to handle the other jobs ^^

End of 1st week~~

i have started to get used of this "Paradise" place.Everyday wake up at 0600 morning and exercise for 1 hour.then have our breakfast at 0730. 0830 we have to gather and prepared for class, CB class ( guys, not the "CB" ok? is character building), 1030 have some rest and minum pagi and continue the class.the classes are quite boring. but i admit it, i have leran a lot of things in that class. 1230 , end of class and lunch time.1430(2.30pm) physical training and TTS- tidur tanpa seluar!( just kidding, Tempur Tanpa Senjata).1630 tea time~1730 begining of Riadah time~play balls, chatting, walk by the sea side... i don't actually need all these Riadah time.what i need is rest and rest and rest...1830 makan malam. then rest till 2100(actually is for the malay to pray)then go for CB movies(guys, is Character Building, don't think Yellow), 2230 supper time and gather and listen to stupid speech(Roll Call) till 2330.only then we can go to sleep...God!!that is my life at National Service!!

Weeks Before Chinese "Niu" Year~~

Now Chinese New Year is just round the corner! The bad news is we just received words from our camp commander , saying that our chinese near year holidays only 3 days! That is absalutely big problem! And we wont be getting our phone back for Chinese New Year due to our behavior.To me, all this are s***. i didn't expect all this to happen.

Days later news been spread out.Commander has give us all to have our holidays till 31 of January.That is a good news(at least).

i don't know why, this camp indeed has something unusual, some of the night guard- Sentinel has seen something , a big shadow like a strong man with a tail,as they describe walk by the wall.Another night, 1 chinese Wira has been possessed. the rest story, i cannot get to it either. Hey this is real! i am one of the witness to hear the shouting !

Well, more real life stry is ahead,but you(readers and myself) have to wait for my return. So don't go away^^